Using Fibonacci Story Points for Agile Estimation
Estimating the complexity and effort required to complete work is essential to agile software development. Utilizing a story point system
Design Patterns in PHP: The Factory Pattern
I'm going to be writing a series of articles that cover different design patterns in PHP. To kick
Dependency Inversion Principle
In the last article we learned about the Interface Segregation Principle. In this article we will be going over the
Interface Segregation Principle
In the previous article we learned about the Liskov Substitution Principle. In this Article we will be covering the Interface
Liskov Substitution Principle
In our last article we learned about the Open Close Principle
[]. In this article we&
Open Closed Principle
Continuing from where we left off in the Single Responsibility Principle
[] Article, we'll
Single Responsibility Principle
About a year ago I was asked to do a talk covering the SOLID principles of
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Implementing a SAML IDP with Laravel
Recently, I was tasked with figuring out how to implement Single Sign On (SSO) between a Laravel 5.2 Application
Laravel 4 Rest Composer Package on Bitbucket
I've decided to take the project I've been working on and turn it into a laravel
Building a Laravel 4 RESTful API - Part 3
In the last article in this series we discussed using the Laravel response model, and creating a code library in